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Andy Casavant

Andy Casavant

Former associate director | Police Training Institute

What Andy Casavant wouldn’t give for a plate of Tod and John’s wings right now.  

"The place that comes to mind is a place we all went every Thursday night for what we considered the best wings in the area. That was Tod and John's," says the former associate director of the UI's Police Training Institute, now the SWAT/training commander at the Walton (Fla.) County Sheriff's Office.

"Most of the entire PTI staff and many times students, would go there to relax and eat the hell out the wings. We also solved many of the world’s problems, as well as our own, at PTI and the university and planned the future.

"I do recall, however, that after a few brews, we did come up with some very innovative future programs which were instituted at later times. I believe that future vison can be developed through wings and beer. After all, we proved that every week.

"It does, however, take practice and so we did each and every week for years."