‘Blue Apartments,’ former resident and lifelong fan Omar Kazi salutes you.
“It was there,” on the corner of Lincoln and Springfield, “that I shared apartments, floors and buildings with people who would become friends for the rest of my life,” says Kazi (’98), now the Lake Forest-based director of Pfizer’s global sterile injectables division.
“Whether it was walking to classes together, making runs to the gas station for caffeine and snacks, or running off to IMPE or WIMPE for weights or basketball, there was always a connection and camaraderie we shared as students living together in the same apartment complex. The list of memories, some happier than others, is endless.
“For many of us, the Blue Apartments were part of family and friend lineage, and it was almost an expectation to live there as soon as we could leave the dorms. It’s good to know that the tradition continues today and I’m sure it will continue for some time to come.
“Blue Apartments, we miss you.”
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