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People 95 Scientist

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Mary Schubauer-Berigan

Senior epidemiologist, International Agency for Research on Cancer

World Health Organization

Tim Killeen


UI system

Cheryl Quinn

LAS Alumni Achievement Award

QnA Pharma Consulting, LLC

Jonathan Sweedler

James R. Eiszner Family Endowed Chair in Chemistry

Director, UI School of Chemical Sciences

Michael Harmata

Norman Rabjohn Distinguished Professor of Chemistry

​University of Missouri​

Jennifer Lewis

Hansjörg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering

Harvard University

Kerry Rogier

Budget analyst

State Department

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An education that proves your purpose

Dr. Julie Morita

Executive VP, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Commissioner, Chicago Department of Public Health (2015-19)

Nancy Moran

Assistant professor, USDA-ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center

Baylor College of Medicine

Markita Landry

2020 UI Young Alumni Award winner

Assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, Cal-Berkeley

Kelvin Droegemeier

UI atmospheric sciences professor and special advisor to the chancellor

Former director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Art Kramer

Beckman Institute director, 2010-16

Professor/center director, Northeastern University

Meg Bates

U of Chicago senior research and evaluation scientist

Director of digital teacher learning research

Kevin Jackson

Hematology program manager

Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute

Keith Westcott

2010 LAS Distinguished Service Award

Retired scientist, visiting UI scholar

Deborah Paul

Pioneering researcher, biochemist

34-plus years at Abbott Laboratories

Dale Kempf

Abbvie distinguished research fellow

Director of Neglected Diseases Research

Howard Aizenstein

2019 LAS Alumni Achievement Award

Physician, scientist, Pitt professor

Bob Rauber

Director, School of Earth, Society and Environment

Professor of atmospheric sciences

Adam Davis

UI professor of crop sciences

College of ACES

Jacob Calvert

Chief scientist, Dascena

Pursuing Ph.D. at Cal-Berkeley

Justin Kardel


Sextus Industries

Daeyeol Lee

Professor of neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry

Yale University

David Faiman

Israel-based director

Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Center

Anne Carpenter

Scientist, imaging platform senior director

Broad Institute at Harvard and MIT