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Dylan Hall

Dylan Hall

CEO, co-founder | Safe Rate | Class of 2008

As an Illinois undergrad, Dylan Hall majored in computer science, minored in African American Studies and dabbled in bebop.

“My favorite part of U of I was the freedom to explore anything in my free time,” says the Safe Rate CEO and University of Chicago lecturer (BS ’08). “Even though I did not have a musical background or a formal connection to the music program, I began learning how to play piano, specifically to be able to play Thelonious Monk songs.

“This led to me spending every Friday night at the Music Building to practice in their individual practice rooms. Even though I butchered Thelonious Monk’s greatest works on those nights, it was a great experience to get lost in the music and unwind from the week.

“It best represents the freedom that U of I gave me, and the Music Building will forever be my favorite place for that reason.”