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People 49 2008

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Josh Whitman

Illini athletic director

2017 Central Illinois Business Magazine Forty Under 40 Man of the Year

Dr. Christopher Hicks

Clinical Associate of Orthopeadic Surgery/Rehabilitation, University of Chicago

Team physician, WNBA’s Chicago Sky

Justin Bozarth

Basketball coach, guidance counselor

Tuscola High

Jasmine Hernandez

Staff attorney

Department of Veterans Affairs

Danielle Patterson

Associate attorney, Spiros Law

UI Law Alumni Professional Development Award winner

Anna Benjamin

Associate judge

Champaign County

Michelle Hodges

VP and chief HR officer

Curves Jenny Craig

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An education that proves your purpose

Dr. Jim Enderle

Emergency medicine physician

Carle Foundation Hospital

Ryan Hastings

Director of development

University of Arizona Athletics

Daniel Joe

Staff engineer

Samsung Electronics

Kenna Dunlap Johnson

Director of behavioral health

Gibson Area Hospital and Health Services

Nisa (Agrawal) Johnson

Brand manager

Modelo Especial/Constellation Brands

Jameson O’Guinn

Adobe senior manager

Digital strategy & architecture

Emma Dorantes

Staff attorney, legal advocate

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission

Laura Jennings

Associate professor of sociology

University of South Carolina Upstate

Rachel Fowler

Managing editor

Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

Josh Birnbaum

School of Visual Communication

Ohio University

Claire Friday

Founder, executive producer

Done By Friday

Shaleen Aghi Title

Distinguished Cannabis Policy Practitioner in Residence, Ohio State

Former Cannabis Control Commissioner, State of Massachusetts

Pam Lins

Director, accounting/reporting


Lauren Spieller

Novelist, literary agent


Jim Tenzillo


Invest Michigan

Kaitlin Morris

Producers department

NFL Films

Dylan Hall

CEO, co-founder

Safe Rate

Joey Scavuzzo

TV writer

'The Good Fight' (CBS)