We say UIUC, Luvvie Ajayi says ... the Quad.
“Specifically the space right outside the Union,” says the Nigerian-born author/speaker/digital strategist, whose first crack at a book (2016’s ‘I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual’) made its way to The New York Times’ best-seller list.
“Me and my friends lovingly called it ‘the Stoop,’ as we loitered there for hours every week when the weather was nice. People coming in and out of the Union would see us there holding court, playing music and having a good time.
"It was the essence of my college experience — meeting new people, reconnecting with old friends and creating lifelong bonds.
“A lot of it happened on the Stoop as we looked over the Quad to Foellinger. It makes my heart smile.”
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