Of all the places she’s called home since — Palo Alto, Monterrey, Arlington, Atlanta — Margaret Kosal hasn’t experienced anything quite as delightful as her go-to item in Champaign-Urbana.
“The cinnamon rolls from The Bread Company, down the street from the Chemical and Life Sciences Lab, or as we called it: CLSL,” says Kosal (Ph.D. ’01, chemistry), a professor in Georgia Tech's Sam Nunn School of International Affairs.
“Some mornings, there would be extra large and it was nirvana in a cinnamon-sugar-gluten form. Don’t think they were supposed to be that big, but as grad students we were happy.
“I also remember the top of the Krannert steps are a great place to sit and eat lunch — or to look for funnel clouds in the sky during the April 1996 tornado storm, while everyone but me and one of my lab-mates was sheltering in place in the basement of CLSL.”
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