Where were you late in the day on Nov. 4, 2008?
Future BlackDoctor, Inc. editor Bryana Holcomb (’10) was at the Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center — at least early in the historic evening, before the networks called Ohio for then-U.S. Sen. Barack Obama.
“I watched the voting results come in while sitting in the ‘Black House’ with my peers, hopeful,” Holcomb says. “When it was announced that he would be our next president, the atmosphere was like no other. There was cheering, crying, joy, excitement and hope.
“That feeling overtook us and we ran out onto the Quad. We found more students and all marched to Green Street. Green Street was packed with students singing, dancing and chanting in celebration.
“That was a night where nothing else mattered. It was a night of unity. I was proud of my peers, my state and my country.”
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