About to take part in his very first Quad Day as an official student at the University of Illinois, Mehb Khoja remembers feeling something along the lines of yikes.
“Daunting” is the word he uses to describe “wondering how I would get to the Quad from PAR/FAR — whether I would take the bus, and which bus, or walk — and then, once I got there, wondering how the hell I was going to navigate all these booths and people and figure out the clubs and activities I would want to participate in.
“At first, it was daunting. But you quickly figure out that several are headed over to Quad Day and you get into a group and go explore together. Then the people you meet from the various clubs, activities and fraternities are all nice and welcoming, trying to get to know you and have you get to know them.
“And then you realize that Quad Day is the place to be — to see an to be seen," says the Medical Risk Managers president, a member of the UI's Class of 2000.
“My next three years, my friends and I would very much look forward to Quad Day as a place to reconnect with old friends not seen since the prior year. Quad Day is one of the best days on campus because the weather is still awesome so you can throw a Frisbee around or go for a run and it’s a chance to reconnect with old friends and meet several new ones.
“I can always go back to campus and visit old places but you can’t recreate this memory of Quad Day.”
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