The Alpha Tau Omega house was not built to accommodate college students who stood 7 feet tall.
Take it from Jens Kujawa, a four-year resident of the house at 1101 West Pennsylvania Ave.
“My 7-foot frame was not always ideal during my frequent room changes throughout the house,” says the former Illini basketball center, now living in Germany, the 1992 Summer Olympics.
“Hitting my head was part of my daily routine, along with cold feet hanging out of the covers and chest-high shower heads.”
That said, his memories of those days in that house are mostly fond ones.
“First of all, it was very exciting to live in a house with 100 guys who were always at my side to talk, study or party with,” he says. “Lasting memories remain of the grand entrance halls with their wood paneling, shared bathrooms and abundance of food that was available in the kitchen.”
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