An Illini love story, The Office edition ...
"So my short story relates to my husband — Kelly Mark (BS '94), who happens to be a successful executive at Motorola and often comes down to speak to the business school," says former Illini women's basketball star Jill (Estey) Mark.
"I remember many things about the campus but some of my favorite memories are the dates I went on with my husband of 21 years. We used to go to the bar called The Office and play round after round of cricket on the dart boards while eating pretzel sticks with cheese dip.
"We always got the biggest kick out of the fact it was called The Office.
"Another favorite place of ours we would frequent too often was Delights Yogurt on Green Street and the other location on Goodwin and Oregon Street in Urbana. Kelly would order the strawberry, graham cracker, banana every time and I always wanted to change it up with something new.
"Somehow, my order never measured up to his so I would always ask for bites of his."
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