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Matt Ronge

Matt Ronge

CEO, co-founder | Astro HQ | Class of 2008

Matt Ronge’s spin down memory lane begins in the Association for Computing Machinery student room, just off the entrance of the Siebel Center.

“I made many friends in that office and learned lessons from my peers that I still rely on today,” says the Astro HQ co-founder and CEO (BS ’08, computer science).

“I remember spending many late nights in the office, hacking on projects and working on math problems into the wee hours. There was always life in that office, at any time of the day or night.

“While the rest of the building was dark and quiet, we’d be cranking away on code and drinking pop from ACM’s networked soda machine. Some of the most challenging work I’ve ever done, I did while in that ACM office.

“Thinking of my time there brings a smile to my face today. Most of all, I’m happy to see the spirit live on in that ACM office with the next generation of computer science and engineering students.”