A love story, from valedictorian Peride (Kaleagasi) Blind, who has been a human rights officer in Kosovo, a political science professor at Georgetown and a speechwriter at the United Nations since turning her tassel in 2000:
“I met this good-looking French guy at salsa classes on campus, and we agreed that we will meet by the entrance of the Union the following weekend to go to a gathering that the Office of International Student Affairs was organizing. When I went there, he did not show up. You can imagine how frustrated I was. Who did he think he was?
“When I saw him at the next salsa class, we realized we had waited on the two different sides of the Union: I, in the south end; he, on the north end.
“After about 20 years together, and two lovely sons of 12 and six, we still remember the Union and the campus with warmth.”
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