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People 124 Government

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Scott Spellmon

Chief of engineers and commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

2024 Grainger College of Engineering Alumni Award for Distinguished Service

Janet Hoffman Mathis

2021 ACES Award of Merit recipient

President/CEO, Elevate Illinois

George Danos


Champaign County

Avis (Sampson) LaVelle

Former press secretary to Chicago Mayor Richard Daly

Executive director, Business Leadership Council

Norman Beamer

Administrative patent judge

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Sally Smith

Former Alaska legislator, 1977-83

Juneau mayor, 2000-03

Andre Crump


TasteTV Networks

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An education that proves your purpose

Jasmine Hernandez

Staff attorney

Department of Veterans Affairs

Sarah Holst Schryer

Assistant state’s attorney

Tazewell County

Larry Harris Jr.

Foreign service officer

U.S. State Department

Mary Ellen Wuellner

Executive director

Champaign County Forest Preserve District

Ruth Wyman

Champaign County attorney

2020 Circuit Judge candidate

Brendan McGinty

Director of Industry

National Center for Supercomputing Applications

Audrey (Butkus) Merlone

Planner, legislative affairs

City & county of San Francisco

Elizabeth Milnarik

Adjunct professor

University of Virginia

Kesha Butler

Operations officer

Administration for Children and Families

Erica Knievel Songer

Chief counsel

United States Senate

Chip Walgren

Congressional staff member

U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee

Scott Shearer

Bockorny Group VP

USDA deputy ass’t secretary (1993-96)

Jim Nowlan

Author, columnist, publisher

Former state representative

Drew Bohan

Executive director

California Energy Commission

Grace Hou-Ovnik


Illinois Dep't of Human Services

Jennifer Gover Bannon

Assistant city attorney

City of Champaign

Janusz Wasiolek

Section chief, Office of Chief Information Officer

Library of Congress

Alex Moscoso

Chief economist

Transportation Security Administration