We say Illinois, St. James of London boss Todd Fisher says ... Commerce West.
"My class was the first class to go through Illinois’ newly revised MBA curriculum and consequently, also the largest class size in the history of the program," says Fisher, who earned his MBA in 1997. "As such, I spent a great deal of time in Commerce West, long before there was the current MBA building there is now.
"Commerce West was the center of all things related to the MBA program, including majority of the professors' offices. Even today, I still associate Commerce West as the MBA building and can’t help but reflect on the two years I plowed through some 200 business cases, was cold-called to present in class, and in my last semester, was TA for an organizational behavior class.
"In addition, a weekly ritual of mine prior to taking exams was to start the day at Aunt Sonya’s, the breakfast joint just off campus, but served up some excellent biscuits-n-gravy. Long gone now, Aunt Sonya’s will always hold a special place in my memory.”
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