During move-in week ’19, we asked UI faculty members to tell us a story about their own experience of leaving home for the first time. Here’s University of Chicago grad Wynne Korr, professor and dean emerita of the School of Social Work.
“In fall 1967, my mother and I left our home outside Allentown, Pennsylvania, and flew to Chicago for me to begin my studies at the University of Chicago. I traded my view of a cornfield for one of Rockefeller Chapel.
“The memory: My roommate had flown in from Manhattan with a matched set of lavender leather luggage and a portable stereo. I had never seen one of those before. I was thankful when my battered trunk arrived by Railroad Express.
“The reflection: My brave and selfless mother never showed any anxiety or disapproval of letting her youngest attend college in a big city far away. I only felt support for my journey.
“A remarkable woman. I hope today’s students have parents like her.”
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