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People 272 Education

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Jaime Roundtree

Director of curriculum and instruction, Rantoul City Schools

Former principal at Champaign's Booker T. Washington STEM Academy

Anjali Forber-Pratt

2-time Paralympian

Director, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research

Chrystalla Mouza


UI College of Education

Ugur Uygur

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship

Loyola University of Chicago

Daniel Oerther

President-elect, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists

Professor of environmental health engineering, Missouri University of Science & Technology

Jayda Imanlihen

Director of Multimedia Design & Production, Bovard College, University of Southern California

Executive Director, Black Girl Film School

Doug Dossey

Managing partner

Tensile Capital Management

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An education that proves your purpose

Michael Harmata

Norman Rabjohn Distinguished Professor of Chemistry

​University of Missouri​

Raul Gouvea

Professor, International Management

University of New Mexico

Jack Groppel

Former Illini men’s tennis coach (1978-81)

Co-founder, Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute

Jennifer Lewis

Hansjörg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering

Harvard University

Chathapuram ‘Ram’ Ramanathan

2020-21 Community Achievement Award, UI School of Social Work

Associate Professor,University of West Florida

Karle Flanagan

UI Senior Instructor of Statistics

2019 recipient of Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Nancy Moran

Assistant professor, USDA-ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center

Baylor College of Medicine

Karin (Dommermuth) O'Connor

Clinical Assistant Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Northwestern U

Executive Director, Heizer Center for Private Equity and Venture Capital

Elaine Ricketts Hicks

Research support, education and public health librarian

Tulane University

Safiya Noble

2020 iSchool Distinguished Alumna Award

UCLA Associate Professor, Information Studies and African American Studies

Dr. Joel Geiderman

Co-chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center

2020 LAS Alumni Humanitarian Award

Craig Hella Johnson

Grammy-winning conductor, composer​

Artistic director, Conspirare​

Jay Rosenstein

Peabody and Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker

UI Professor, Media and Cinema Studies

Markita Landry

2020 UI Young Alumni Award winner

Assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, Cal-Berkeley

Ivory M. Berry

Assistant Dean, College of Education and Human Development

George Mason University

Sarah Seiler Watson

Executive director

Looking for Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area

Kelvin Droegemeier

UI atmospheric sciences professor and special advisor to the chancellor

Former director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Dee Dlugonski

Assistant Professor

Sports Medicine Research Institute, University of Kentucky