“Is Garner Hall still there?” asks Bob Nanna, frontman and guitarist for the bands Braid and Hey Mercedes.
Sadly, no. In 2012, a year after the website DormSplash labeled it the worst dorm in America, it got the wrecking ball treatment.
But it was not without its moments, says Hanna (’97): “The music room at Garner Hall was where the very first Braid songs were written. We even named a song after it on our first album.”
“Garner Hall Music Room,” the seventh single on “Frankie Welfare Boy Age 5,” goes a little something like this:
Close windows and drapes
To avoid flying glass and
Water damage
Close room door and
Evacuate to the nearest
Designated shelter area
Do not use the elevator
Seek protection from window areas
Do not go outside the building
This is not a test
In the event of an emergency
Don’t forget to salvage the scene
A laundry list of spitfire items
And the ring you never wear
Hall walls are painted planted
Hall walls never sweat
Hall walls can manage damage
But we never forget
Assume seated position in a
Shelter area and await notification
That the danger has passed
Hall walls are cornered in corners
Hall walls stay staked
Hall walls can contact coroners
Hall walls don’t break
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