In a world before iTunes and Redbox, most of the movies Emma Miller ('08) watched were in a snug space at the library.
“One of my favorite memories was when I would sit in the library and watch films for my film classes in the individual viewing booths," says AMC Network's scripted programs director.
"This was before the days of iTunes rentals. These class films were hot commodities at the local video store, so this was often my only option unless I went to the screening or perfectly timed my Netflix DVD-by-mail subscription with the syllabus.
“My Women in Film course at Illinois was my first introduction to film criticism and one of the pivotal factors in my deciding to pursue working in the entertainment industry. I often skipped the screenings in favor of viewing on my own because I loved the intimacy of watching these films tucked away in the library.
"To this day, I reference what I learned from these courses and, sometimes, even the textbooks that I’ve saved from that time.”
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