Friends looking for Renee Wunderlich between the fall of 2012 and the spring of 2013 knew better than to head to her room first.
“Senior year, I practically lived in the Richmond Television Studio,” the WPTZ TV reporter says from Vermont. “I share some of the most intense memories with classmates who became lifelong friends. We had a small, seven-person class in the fall of 2012, so we all had to really work together to produce a newscast in a day.
“We also had a special show for the 2012 presidential election. I wasn’t as into covering politics back then, but it was exhilarating to co-anchor and I learned a lot. There was something very special about working start-to-finish on stories outside of a traditional classroom. But the people in the class were more magical than the space. Most of us are still working journalists, many in TV — and others are kicking butt in their respective fields.
“TV2 was taught by the recently-retired Professor John Paul, JP, and it was Ken Erdey’s first year at the College of Media. My classmates became my teammates — we would give each other rides to shoot stories on and off campus, JP would help us with our reels, Erdey would bring his bulldog to class to remind us that there’s more to life than just the newscast.
“It was a crazy, magical time.”
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