Quick study that she is, Grace Woo didn't waste much time getting acclimated to college life at the UI.
“My best and most unique memories from Illinois are from freshman year: I was 16. I met my first love. I lived at FAR on one of the bottom floors dedicated to women in STEM," says the Cambridge, Mass-based founder of Pixels.IO.
“Specifically, I remember having to catch the 21 Illini bus every morning, which ran about every 10 minutes to get to Everitt Lab, essentially on the other side of campus.
“I remember missing the bus one semester and showing up late on my bike to the final lab challenge in ECE 110. The extra-credit assignment involved getting an autonomous car to catch a ball while following a windy path using infrared sensors and TTL logic.
"With a great stroke of luck and a minor miracle, our car caught that ball in class and I still have the toolset we won with me today.”
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