This Illini memory is dedicated to the memory of the late, great Paul Magelli.
From Texas, proud Team Magelli member and St. Edward’s assistant professor John Mueller (MBA ’99) writes:
“He was a wonderful person, and someone that had such a great heart and soul. He loved the U of I, and loved being a part of the community and history of the university.
“He lived and breathed the university’s spirit, and touched sooo many people around the world with that spiritual energy and joyful demeanor of his.
“He was the reason why I chose to do my master’s at the U of I. He was the reason why I pursued my Ph.D. He is someone that I try to emulate in my academic activities, my business activities and my personal activities — influencing 360 degrees of my life.
“Such a wonderful, wonderful person. I get chills while I type this, just thinking about him and his wonderful smile.
“Go Magelli, and Go Team Magelli — the many people that he influenced and nurtured and cared for."
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