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John Shonder

John Shonder

Business development mgr. | Noresco | Class of 1981

As an engineering major, John Shonder spent more time than most with his nose in a book.

But at the places he called home in the late '70s and early '80s,  peace and quiet weren't so easy to find.

"I lived in a succession of noisy off-campus boarding houses and apartments," says Noresco's business development manager. "In those days, most students had their own stereos, which they played loudly at all hours of the day and night. I was therefore always on the lookout for quiet places to study.

"One of my favorites was the Main Library on Gregory Drive, where deep within the Stacks one could find small private study carrels tucked away among the shelves. The rows of old books had a way of absorbing all background noise, and I still recall the tomb-like solitude that was so conducive to learning and study."