When she runs her own business someday, Michelle Lenzen intends to model it after the Technology Entrepreneur Center, “where entrepreneurial dreams came true.”
“I loved every minute,” says Lenzen (Class of 2012), a self-described “researcher with a knack for writing human-centered copy,” which she does at Humans at Heart.
The folks at the TEC, where Lenzen was the marketing intern in 2011-12, “made it absolutely the most positive, fun and supportive work environment,” she says. “Since graduating, I have yet to work with or see a team that has that much synergy.
“The TEC team was focused on fostering student innovation on campus and constantly testing new ideas to engage students.”
Anong the highlights of Lenzen's time there: “I was passionate about working with kids, so when the idea came up for a science and engineering camp for kids, we made it happen. We even took a bus load of students to visit 1871 in Chicago and spent a week visiting famous alumni in Silicon Valley.”
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