Being the landscape architect that he is, Scott Mehaffey’s favorite spot is the 1,500-acre treasure that's owned by the UI but located a wee bit off campus.
“Allerton Park,” says the executive director of the Farnsworth House National Historic Site (BLA ’88).
“But if I had to choose a favorite spot on campus, it would definitely be the broad walk along the west side of the Quad. I’m sure the trees have changed but in the ’80s, it was a green tunnel — and I always felt I was walking in the footsteps of many generations.
“I felt the same way on the landing of the grand staircase in the Graduate Library: Charles Platt was a tremendously talented architect.
“Back then, we could explore the steam tunnels, climb a ladder to the roof of Lincoln Hall, climb the actual roof of the Armory — not me. Hoping kids have more sense today.”
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