Little did future UCF associate dean Dave Edyburn know at the time where a few trips to a C-U institution would lead him later in life.
“When my wife, Pam, and I lived in Urbana while I was in graduate school, we discovered this amazing place — Li’l Porgy’s Bar-B-Q. It was a treat to go there periodically for lunch or dinner,” says Edyburn (Ph.D. ’87, special education).
Fast-forward 25 years to 2012, when Edyburn became an officially sanctioned Kansas City CBJ (short for Certified Bar-b-q Judge). "And in 2015," he says, "I earned my Masters CBJ.
“Traveling to judge competition BBQ is a wonderful experience that I can trace back to my U of I days.”
Edyburn who was honored by the UI College of Education with a 2017 distinguished alumni award for his contributions as “a visionary leader in the field of special education.”
“Dave is a thought leader and a committed professional who seeks to help change and shape the lives of professionals, students and families in the field of special education," college officials went on to say.
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