This Illini memory is dedicated to the remarkable legacy of Willis Flygare, taken by Lou Gehrig's disease at age 44 — but not before preparing scores of aspiring chemists for life after college.
Exhibit A: David Born, who went on to become R&D director at Dow Chemical.
“Dr. Flygare was a brilliant man, with a depth of knowledge in chemistry, math and physics that was incredible,” Born says from Midland, Mich.
“His passion for physical chemistry was contagious. While he passed away much too young, his memory lives in those of us lucky enough to have him as an instructor.”
Among Born’s other most vivid memories of his days as a UI chemistry student:
— Travel by tunnel. “On cold winter evenings, walking through the tunnels connecting the three chemistry buildings was a bit eerie, but it was worth it to avoid the weather outside.”
— Movie night. “Movies at the auditorium were always fun. Even before the movie, watching people try to land paper airplanes on the ridge above the screen was entertaining.”
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