Hannah Bonecutter’s spin down memory lane begins in “the pristine locale” that is Foellinger Auditorium.
“This articulated structure symbolizes a few aspects of my college experience and holds tender memories of my undergrad career,” Bonecutter (BS '13, elementary education) says from Chicago.
“One aspect it represents is grit. I had one of my toughest classes as a freshman in that building — Macro Economics. I could not stand learning about the content in that course at times; however, I always enjoyed attending the class merely to sit in that architecturally astoundng hall and gander at the art that surrounded me. Not to mention stare at its outer beauty upon approaching from the Quad.
“Another profound recollection that the Foellinger Auditorium holds for me is my performance in the Cotton Club show during my senior year. I did some acting, spoken word poetry, and hosted that show, which over 600 people attended.
“It was tons of fun, and I absolutely loved performing in such a grand building as Foellinger Auditorium.”
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