Rest assured, Titus Potter (JD ’17) wouldn’t be where he is today — a Bronx-based assistant DA in New York City’s Narcotics and Gangs Bureau — if not for a few of his favorite faculty members from the UI College of Law.
Specifically, and in no particular order:
— Andrew Leipold, “my rock in law school. It was in his Criminal Law class that I received my lowest grade in my law school career — a C — and it was in his Criminal Procedure course that I received my first A in law school.
“Much to the change in my grades goes to Professor Leipold’s continuous availability for students, advice and inspiration. Professor Leipold always made me feel as if I was destined to do great things in the legal profession, while always inspiring me to keep going and never give up on my dreams.”
— Virginia Vermillion, “aka Dean V. She always stood by me, inspiring me, telling me that I can graduate and that when I do, would be an asset to the legal profession.
“Her continual support is what made Dean V essential to my legal education. Dean V is the reason I attended the College of Law, and since my first day on campus she has stood behind me, shouting ‘You can do it,’ no matter the time of day.”
— Steve Beckett, who “served as the father/mentor I never had. He is tough, he is strong, he has expectations, he has dreams for his students, and he moves mountains in order to help his students fulfill their dreams.
“He gave me a chance, a opportunity to be a member of his Trial Team, when I was the least-deserving of the opportunity. He spent days, nights and weekends preparing me for mock trial competitions.
"He believed in me even when I didn’t. He and Julie Campbell — his faculty assistant — saw something in me that even to this day I don’t know what it was, but it’s because of him that I am a American Association of Justice Regional Champion and National Contender and a Assistant District Attorney in the Narcotics and Gangs Bureau in New York City. Beckett will always share a special place in my heart.
“In essence, attending University of Illinois College of Law is amazing because of its people, its faculty and the administrators who are always willing and ready to assist a student in need, and they are the foundation of our amazing institution.”
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