Ashley Valentine
Co-founder and president
Washington, D.C.-based Sick Cells
Mary Schubauer-Berigan
Senior epidemiologist, International Agency for Research on Cancer
World Health Organization
Dr. Mark Cohen
Dean, Carle Illinois College of Medicine
Senior VP and chief academic officer, Carle Health
Tim Killeen
UI system
Cheryl Quinn
LAS Alumni Achievement Award
QnA Pharma Consulting, LLC
Jonathan Sweedler
James R. Eiszner Family Endowed Chair in Chemistry
Director, UI School of Chemical Sciences
Dr. Michael Adkesson
Chicago Zoological Sociey
Kim Kidwell
Associate Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships & Initiatives
Dean, College of ACES, 2016-21
Jeff Trapp
Blue Waters Professor
Head, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Jessica Conroy
Associate Geology Professor
2013 Arnold O. Beckman Award winner
Nell Bekiares
Animal biologist, conservation scientist, wildlife ecologist, zoologist
Research specialist, University of Wisconsin
Daniel Oerther
President-elect, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
Professor of environmental health engineering, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Michael Harmata
Norman Rabjohn Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
University of Missouri
Jack Groppel
Former Illini men’s tennis coach (1978-81)
Co-founder, Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute
Jennifer Lewis
Hansjörg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering
Harvard University
Alan Kessler
Senior data scientist
St. Louis Cardinals
Dr. Julie Morita
Executive VP, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Commissioner, Chicago Department of Public Health (2015-19)
Nancy Moran
Assistant professor, USDA-ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center
Baylor College of Medicine
Newton Cheng
Global health and performance lead
Dr. Joel Geiderman
Co-chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center
2020 LAS Alumni Humanitarian Award
Diane Wolfe Marlin
Urbana mayor since 2017
Coordinator, UI Family Resiliency Program (2000-10)
Markita Landry
2020 UI Young Alumni Award winner
Assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, Cal-Berkeley
Kelvin Droegemeier
UI atmospheric sciences professor and special advisor to the chancellor
Former director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Art Kramer
Beckman Institute director, 2010-16
Professor/center director, Northeastern University