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People 272 Education

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Art Kramer

Beckman Institute director, 2010-16

Professor/center director, Northeastern University

Chuck Reifsteck


Reifsteck Reid & Company Architects of Champaign

David Tomasko

Associate dean and professor

Ohio State College of Engineering

Meg Bates

U of Chicago senior research and evaluation scientist

Director of digital teacher learning research

Miranda Sanford-Terry

Chair, Applied Health Sciences

Murray State University

Petros Ioannou

USC Professor of Electrical Engineering Systems

Director, Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies

Sydney Chinchanachokchai

Assistant professor of marketing

University of Akron

Chris Cramer

VP of research

University of Minnesota

Erin Peters-Burton

Donna R. and David E. Sterling Endowed Professor in Science Education

George Mason University

Qilin Li

Civil and environmental engineering professor

Rice University

Mike McRee

Chief operating officer

North-American Interfraternity Conference

Erik Dane

Associate professor of management

Rice University

Punya Mishra

Associate dean and professor

Arizona State University

Kim Judson

Professor of marketing

Illinois State University

Seth Miller


Westville school district

Emily (Kline) Bucarich

Director of learning and development content

National Restaurant Association

Lou Liay

2023 honorary doctorate recipient

Namesake of UIAA's Lou Liay Spirit Award

Rebecca (Diaz) Luebbert

Director of career and business engagement

University of Minnesota Alumni Association

Justin Thompson

Senior associate dean, COO

University of Virginia Curry School of Education

Erin McNary

Assistant professor, sport administration

University of Miami

Cesar Escalante

Professor, University of Georgia

Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

Michelle Johnson

Associate professor of anthropology

Bucknell University

Bridgett Wakefield

Project architect, Reifsteck Reid & Co.

Parkland professor

Lee Cooper

Professor emeritus, marketing