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People 44 Boston

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Michelle (Zasi) Amazeen

Assistant professor of mass communication

Boston University

Jeff Anderson

Director of global gaming


Suzanne Bates

Longtime TV anchor

Bates Communications CEO

Nancy Baym

Principal researcher


Jake Becraft

Co-founder, CEO

Strand Therapeutics

Anne Carpenter

Scientist, imaging platform senior director

Broad Institute at Harvard and MIT

Dr. Michael Adkesson


Chicago Zoological Sociey

To see more profiles like this,
look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Bret Cohen

Law partner

Nelson Mullins, Boston

Marci Cohen

Asst. head, Music Library

Boston University

Areg Danagoulian

MIT assistant professor

Nuclear Science and Engineering

Elizabeth DeVore

Production manager

Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts

Jean Driscoll

8 Boston Marathon wins

USOC Hall of Famer

Ellen Fireman

Senior lecturer

Department of Statistics

Andy Friedl

Director, Swyfft

Analytics, data science

Raymond Fu

Sr. VP, technology Innovation

Shiseido Americas Corp.

John Galante


AE Ventures

Emily Gates

Assistant professor of evaluation

Boston College

Brandie Jefferson

Senior news director

Washington University

Chris Kennedy

Chair, UI trustees


Art Kramer

Beckman Institute director, 2010-16

Professor/center director, Northeastern University

Sunil Kumar


Tufts University

Lucia Lin


Boston Symphony Orchestra

Vincent Ling

Senior director

Takeda Pharmaceuticals

Jake Livengood

Director of career services

Tufts School of Medicine

Harley Manning

VP, customer experience

Forrester Research