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People 23 Freshman Life

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Nicole Allen

UI professor of psychology

2011 Dazzling Woman Faculty Award

Jennifer Bernhard

Associate dean for research

Grainger College of Engineering

John Caughlin

Head, professor

UI Department of Communication

Kent Choquette

Abel Bliss Professor

UI Grainger College of Engineering

Adam Davis

UI professor of crop sciences

College of ACES

Jon Ebel

Professor, head

Department of Religion

Steven Wymer

Boston-based Fidelity investment portfolio manager

Namesake of UI's Steven S. Wymer Hall

To see more profiles like this,
look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Larry Fahnestock

UI professor

Civil and environmental engineering

Ellen Fireman

Senior lecturer

Department of Statistics

Judy Havlicek

Associate professor

School of Social Work

Laurie Hogin

Associate director

UI School of Art and Design

Lois Hoyer

UI professor of pathology

Associate dean, College of Veterinary Medicine

Ron Jacobs

UI professor

Education policy, organization & leadership

Eric Johnson

UI professor

College of Law

Wynne Korr

Dean emerita

School of Social Work

Lynn Barnett Morris

UI associate professor

Recreation, Sport and Tourism

John Murphy

Professor of communication

Joined UI faculty in 2008

Cynthia Oliver

Professor of dance

2015 Doris Duke Impact Award nominee

Bob Rauber

Director, School of Earth, Society and Environment

Professor of atmospheric sciences

Andy Suarez

UI professor and head

Department of Animal Biology

Deborah Thurston

Gutgsell Professor

Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering

Kevin Waspi

Retired senior lecturer

Gies College of Business

Barb Wilson

Executive VP, UI system

Former LAS dean, interim chancellor

Amy Mays Woods

UI professor

College of Applied Health Sciences