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Emily (Klopf) Gardner

MillerCoors local media manager

2017 Homecoming Comeback Award winner

Stephanie Moore

Assistant dean of the arts

University of California-Santa Cruz

Shahzeen Attari

Associate professor

Indiana University’s O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Steven Wymer

Boston-based Fidelity investment portfolio manager

Namesake of UI's Steven S. Wymer Hall

Nancy Rosenstengel

Chief judge

Southern District of Illinois

J. Robert Rossman

Professor and dean emeritus

Illinois State University

Sandra Hughes Kazarian


CBS News

Anjali Forber-Pratt

2-time Paralympian

Director, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research

Tim Killeen


UI system

Elizabeth Sutton


Spurlock Museum of World Cultures

Andrew Bender

Director of operations

Chez Veterans Center

Brent Brotine

Chicago advertising creative director

Current freelance copywriter

Craig Lundstrom


UI Department of Geology

Stan Deal


Boeing Commercial Airplanes

Cheryl Quinn

LAS Alumni Achievement Award

QnA Pharma Consulting, LLC

Chrystalla Mouza


UI College of Education

Mansi Shah

Author, 'The Taste of Ginger’

Senior VP/Legal, Warner Bros. Entertainment

Yakaira Nunez

VP/Research & Insights Platform


Jaime Torres

General manager/sports attorney

International Baseball Sports Management, Inc.

Kathryn Anthony

ACSA Distinguished Professor

Recipient of 2021 AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education

Jennifer Robbennolt

Alice Curtis Campbell Professor of Law

Co-Director, Illinois Program on Law, Behavior and Social Science

Jeff Brown

Dean, Gies College of Business

Margot Lakonishok Professor of Business

Jason Mazzone

UI Albert E. Jenner Jr. Professor of Law

Director, Program in Constitutional Theory, History and Law

Jonathan Sweedler

James R. Eiszner Family Endowed Chair in Chemistry

Director, UI School of Chemical Sciences