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People 206 Sciences

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Anne Carpenter

Scientist, imaging platform senior director

Broad Institute at Harvard and MIT

Maria Carrillo

Chief science officer

Alzheimer’s Association

Bob Cesarone

Asst. program manager

NASA Jet Propulsion Lab

Josie Chambers

Postdoctoral fellow in geography

University of Cambridge

Cindy Chang

Assoc. director, business operations

Codexis, Inc.

Kenneth Chang

Science reporter

The New York Times

Newton Cheng

Global health and performance lead


Bud Cherry


Eagle Creek Renewable Energy

Haylie Choi

Former RNC analyst

Secretary, DC Illini Club

Michael Choi



Mark Clark

Senior partner

O2Works LLC

Dr. Mark Cohen

Dean, Carle Illinois College of Medicine

Senior VP and chief academic officer, Carle Health

Marci Cohen

Asst. head, Music Library

Boston University

Aisha Conner-Gaten

Instructional design librarian

Loyola Marymount University

Jessica Conroy

Associate Geology Professor

2013 Arnold O. Beckman Award winner

Chelsey Coombs

Writer, producer

The Weather Channel

E.J. Corey

Won Nobel in chemistry

UI professor, 1951-59

Ed Cupp

World-renowned entomologist

Auburn professor emeritus

Andrew Dahlem


Eli Lilly and Co.

Ken Dallmier

President, Chief Operating Officer

Clarkson Grain Co.

Areg Danagoulian

MIT assistant professor

Nuclear Science and Engineering

Bhibha Das

Assistant professor, East Carolina

3-time Jeopardy! contestant

Adam Davis

UI professor of crop sciences

College of ACES

Steven Deller

Professor, Community Development Specialist

University of Wisconsin Extension