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People 41 1991

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Rob Lang

Business litigation attorney, Thompson Coburn

Represented Illini basketball star Terrence Shannon Jr.

Monica Eng

Chicago reporter, Axios

Five-time James Beard Award nominee

Cheryl Quinn

LAS Alumni Achievement Award

QnA Pharma Consulting, LLC

Jovan Jovanovic

Patent attorney

Founding partner, Watson IP Group

Gretchen Gscheidle

Former design director

Herman Miller, Inc.

John Caughlin

Head, professor

UI Department of Communication

Ankit Chandra

Analytics director

Foot Locker

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An education that proves your purpose

Andy Suarez

UI professor and head

Department of Animal Biology

Mark Salzer

Professor of social and behavioral sciences

Temple University

Michelle (Zasi) Amazeen

Assistant professor of mass communication

Boston University

John Kazik

Vice president, general manager

Brunswick Billiards

Dawn Hopkins

Founder, president

Inspiritus Yoga Wholisitic Wellness & Training

Bob O’Dekirk

Joliet mayor

Former police officer

Jeffrey Lieber

TV/film screenwriter/producer

‘Lost’ co-creator

Darren Guccione

Distinguished alumni award

CEO, Keeper Security, Inc.

George Sakas

Director of economic development/strategic planning

Chicago Executive Airport

Sunil Benimadhu


Stock Exchange of Mauritius

Rayvon Fouche

American Studies professor, director

Purdue University

Alice (Gorman) Singer

Director, artists division

Ford Models, Inc.

David Citrin

Engineering professor

Georgia Tech

Maria Carrillo

Chief science officer

Alzheimer’s Association

Brad McCredie

Fellow/VP, IBM

Power Systems Development

Michael Osanloo



James Adams


Strong Leader

Michelle Fraser-Page

Safety engineer

NASA’s Johnson Space Ctr.