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People 2,065 Alumni

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Rebecca (Diaz) Luebbert

Director of career and business engagement

University of Minnesota Alumni Association

Amber (Jenne) Hankins

Emmy-nominated co-host

WISH-TV’s 'Indy Style'

CeCe (Marizu) Cooper

Swimming star turned senior content producer for Apple Fitness+

Earned UI degrees in broadcast journalism (2010), education policy studies (2012)

Majdi Abbas

Network engineer

Formerly of Yahoo

Jordan Abdel-Haq

Mortgage loan oficer, Homeside Financial

Former executive director, Illinois Junior Golf Association

Megan Abraham

Executive director

The Goldie Initiative

David Schwartz

Table games analytics

MGM Resorts

To see more profiles like this,
look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Tom Abram

Assistant director

San Diego State

Ahmed Abukhater

Digital aviation, Boeing

Palestine powerlifting champ

Pablo Acosta

Senior economist

The World Bank

James Adams


Strong Leader

Jason Adams

Former executive editor

Entertainment Weekly

Mark Adams

Best-selling author

‘Turn Right at Machu Picchu’

David Adeleye

Policy specialist

Obama White House

Dr. Michael Adkesson


Chicago Zoological Sociey

Anshul Agarwal

User experience researcher

Google of India

Sameena Aghi

Senior VP of managed care

Illinois Primary Health Care Assn.

Fil Agusti


Steptoe & Johnson LLP

Doyeol Ahn

Engineer holds 36 patents

Distinguished Alumni Award

Richard Ahrenkiel


Lakewood Semiconductors

Margaret Ahrweiler

VP/marketing director

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

John Aikens


President, Mesodynamics, Inc.

Howard Aizenstein

2019 LAS Alumni Achievement Award

Physician, scientist, Pitt professor

Luvvie Ajayi

Best-selling Nigerian author

'16 LAS Young Alum of Yr.

Tina Akouris

Digital news editor

Chicago Tribune