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People 33 Biology

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Gioia Altobelli

Computational biologist

Bioinformatics of the UK

John Andrews

Population biologist

Lincoln Park Zoo

Scott Barrows

Director, medical visualization

Jump Trading Center

Justin Bois

Biology lecturer


Anne Carpenter

Scientist, imaging platform senior director

Broad Institute at Harvard and MIT

Josie Chambers

Postdoctoral fellow in geography

University of Cambridge

Chris Petersen


Futurexecs Accelerators

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An education that proves your purpose

Chelsey Coombs

Writer, producer

The Weather Channel

Julie Freischlag

CEO, Wake Forest Baptist Health

Dean, Wake Forest School of Medicine

Lori Garrett

Professor of human anatomy, physiology

Parkland College

Dr. Joel Geiderman

Co-chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center

2020 LAS Alumni Humanitarian Award

Khizer Husain

Director of external relations

Two Rivers Public Charter School

Kevin Jackson

Hematology program manager

Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute

Paul Kivela


American College of Emergency Physicians

Vincent Ling

Senior director

Takeda Pharmaceuticals

Noelle LoConte

Medical oncologist

University of Wisconsin

Bill Meyer

Natural resource specialist

U.S. Army ERDC

Nancy Moran

Assistant professor, USDA-ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center

Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Julie Morita

Executive VP, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Commissioner, Chicago Department of Public Health (2015-19)

Susan Nagele

Medal of Valor winner

Maryknoll Lay Missioner

Chinonye Nnakwe

Molecular biologist

National Science Foundation

Deborah Paul

Pioneering researcher, biochemist

34-plus years at Abbott Laboratories

Jessica Pitcher

Champaign principal

Robeson Elementary

Sri Raman

Associate producer

Big Ten Network

Angel Rivera

Research microbiologist