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People 28 Judge

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Nancy Rosenstengel

Chief judge

Southern District of Illinois

Jason Bohm

Judge, Champaign County Circuit Court

Adjunct Professor, UI College of Law

Norman Beamer

Administrative patent judge

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Anna Benjamin

Associate judge

Champaign County

Patricia Fix

Circuit court judge

19th Circuit, Lake County

Bob Gibson

Associate judge

DuPage County

Mike Gonzalez


Secession Golf Club

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Barbara Crowder

Retired judge

Madison County Circuit Court

Donna Honzel

Associate judge

17th circuit of Illinois

Stephen Balogh

Associate judge

Winnebago County

Dan Robinson

Retired tax court judge

State of Oregon

Brett Olmstead

Associate judge

Champaign County

Arnold Blockman

Former circuit judge

Now teaching at UI Law

Heidi Ladd

Circuit court judge

Champaign County

Patricia Brown Holmes

Former Cook County judge

UI trustee

Robert Steigmann

Appellate court judge

Fourth District

Rita Garman

Illinois Supreme Court Justice

Vermilion Co. courthouse named in her honor

Clint Hull

Circuit court judge

Kane County

Phil Reinhard

Senior federal judge

Northern District of Illinois

Ron Spears

Former circuit judge

Christian County (1993-2005)

James Holderman

Former chief judge

U.S. District Court

Tom Chiola

Former judge

Cook Co. Circuit Court

Terry Lavin

Appellate judge

Illinois First District

Debra Walker

Circuit court judge

Cook County

John Dalton

Circuit court judge

Kane County