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People 19 Physics

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Shahzeen Attari

Associate professor

Indiana University’s O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Ken Schweizer

Morris Professor of Materials Science & Engineering

Polymer Physics Prize recipient

Newton Cheng

Global health and performance lead


Norman Beamer

Administrative patent judge

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Erin Peters-Burton

Donna R. and David E. Sterling Endowed Professor in Science Education

George Mason University

Howard Aizenstein

2019 LAS Alumni Achievement Award

Physician, scientist, Pitt professor

Bruna Romero-Melgar

Managing director

Girls in Tech of Bolivia

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An education that proves your purpose

Bob Rauber

Director, School of Earth, Society and Environment

Professor of atmospheric sciences

Richard Ahrenkiel


Lakewood Semiconductors

David Faiman

Israel-based director

Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Center

Gene Beier

Professor of physics

University of Pennsylvania

Mark Clark

Senior partner

O2Works LLC

Michael Svec

Professor of education

Furman University

Sanjay Banerjee

Cockrell Family Regents Chair in Engineering

University of Texas

George Percivall

Chief engineer/technical officer

Open Geospatial Consortium

Stephanie Majewski

Associate professor of physics

University of Oregon

Laura Niklason

Yale professor

Alumni Achievement Award

Anthony Leggett

Nobel-winning physicist

On UI faculty since ’83

Don Scifres

Laser physics pioneer

UI Engineering HOF

Kandice Tanner


National Cancer Institute