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People 55 Ivy League

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Fil Agusti


Steptoe & Johnson LLP

Nicole Allen

UI professor of psychology

2011 Dazzling Woman Faculty Award

Perry Beaumont

Lecturer, Columbia U

Head of data and actuarial science, Distinguished Programs

Gene Beier

Professor of physics

University of Pennsylvania

Jennifer Bernhard

Associate dean for research

Grainger College of Engineering

Bruce Blair

Nuclear security expert

Won 1999 'Genius' grant

Jeff Johanns

Lecturer of accounting

University of Texas

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look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

E.J. Corey

Won Nobel in chemistry

UI professor, 1951-59

Adam Davis

UI professor of crop sciences

College of ACES

Jon Ebel

Professor, head

Department of Religion

Ellen Fireman

Senior lecturer

Department of Statistics

Allison Guth

Head basketball coach

Yale University

Gary Hack

Professor, dean emeritus

Penn (1996-present)

Tori Haring-Smith

Former president

Washington & Jefferson

Erika Harold

Miss America 2003

Champaign attorney

Jeanne Harris

Business analytics lecturer

Columbia University

Laurie Hogin

Associate director

UI School of Art and Design

Jayda Imanlihen

Director of Multimedia Design & Production, Bovard College, University of Southern California

Executive Director, Black Girl Film School

Kenneth David Jackson

Professor of Portuguese


Rick Kaplan

TV executive

Ex-president, CNN, MSNBC

Parsa Khalili

Brooklyn architect

Princeton visiting lecturer

Andy Langan

Chicago law partner

Kirkland & Ellis

Daeyeol Lee

Professor of neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry

Yale University

Jennifer Lewis

Hansjörg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering

Harvard University

Jose Martinez

Cornell professor

Distinguished Alumni Award