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People 59 Psychology

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Michael Albert

Sign language interpreter

Chicago Hearing Society

Nicole Allen

UI professor of psychology

2011 Dazzling Woman Faculty Award

Meg Bates

U of Chicago senior research and evaluation scientist

Director of digital teacher learning research

Mike Bertrand


Lutheran Child/Fam. Services

Lisa Blimling

Director, Global Intelligence


Richard Bobowski


Friedman & Feiger, LLP

Ankit Chandra

Analytics director

Foot Locker

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look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Diana Browne

Senior director

Evoque Consulting

Maria Carrillo

Chief science officer

Alzheimer’s Association

Lee Cooper

Professor emeritus, marketing


Milo Dodson

Senior staff psychologist


Bethany Dohleman

Director, Nike

Workforce development

Pam Downey

Chief operating officer

Elohi Strategic Advisors

Larry Doyle

Comedy writer

Thurber Prize for humor

Leah Furman

Freelance copywriter


Priya Harjani

Associate VP, deputy general counsel

Northwestern University

Steve Huang

Senior counsel


Kenna Dunlap Johnson

Director of behavioral health

Gibson Area Hospital and Health Services

Kevin Keeker

Principal researcher

Sony PlayStation North America

Colleen Keough Wagner

Fiction author, editor

aka ‘Rumer Haven’

David Kopacz

Puget Sound VA psychiatrist

U of Washington asst. professor

Art Kramer

Beckman Institute director, 2010-16

Professor/center director, Northeastern University

Daeyeol Lee

Professor of neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry

Yale University

Eric Loeb

Data scientist


Art Markman

Psychology professor

University of Texas