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People 45 Agriculture

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Kim Kidwell

Associate Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships & Initiatives

Dean, College of ACES, 2016-21

Janet Hoffman Mathis

2021 ACES Award of Merit recipient

President/CEO, Elevate Illinois

Jack Groppel

Former Illini men’s tennis coach (1978-81)

Co-founder, Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute

Chris Myers

VP/Advanced Technology

John Deere

Cesar Escalante

Professor, University of Georgia

Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

Ken Dallmier

President, Chief Operating Officer

Clarkson Grain Co.

Chris Hamilton

Head of portfolio advisory


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An education that proves your purpose

Steven Deller

Professor, Community Development Specialist

University of Wisconsin Extension

Aaron Walz

Director, Ag Data Services

Purdue College of Agriculture

Michael Gunderson

Professor/Director, Center for Food & Agricultural Business

Purdue University

Devon Izard

Acquisitions & investments manager

Murray Wise Associates

Scott Shearer

Bockorny Group VP

USDA deputy ass’t secretary (1993-96)

Kevin Monk

Farmer, ag tech consultant

The Monk Approach

John McGlone

Professor, Animal and Food Sciences

Texas Tech

Judy Hevrdejs

Writer, editor, columnist

Chicago Tribune, Daily News

Bob Wilson


Wilson McLeran

Jim McKinstray

Retired VP

The Andersons

Karen Mitchell Wilcher

DC-area consultant

Hospitality industry

Jay Brown

Chairman, CEO

Vetgate Global

Emily Santiago

Lead naturalist

NW Trek Wildlife Park

Peg Ross

VP, global HR

Project Concern International

Sydney Jarrett Williams

Project/portfolio manager


Eric Jackson


Pipeline Foods

Kent Politsch

Ret. public affairs chief

USDA Farm Service Agency

Eric Mathis

VP/global sourcing

Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corp.