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People 23 Minneapolis

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Rebecca (Diaz) Luebbert

Director of career and business engagement

University of Minnesota Alumni Association

Matt Brickman



Mike Buchner

CEO, Fallon ad agency

Arby’s, BTN among clients

Laura Bush

1990 Dike Eddleman Award

2 Final Fours at UI

Steve Chicoine

Former oilman

Management consultant

Chris Cramer

VP of research

University of Minnesota

Karin (Dommermuth) O'Connor

Clinical Assistant Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Northwestern U

Executive Director, Heizer Center for Private Equity and Venture Capital

To see more profiles like this,
look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Jon Ebel

Professor, head

Department of Religion

Kay Hatlestad

Noise control engineer

Hatlestad Associates

Judy Havlicek

Associate professor

School of Social Work

Glenn Howatt

Pulitzer-winning reporter

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Eric Jackson


Pipeline Foods

Neel Kashkari

President, Minneapolis Fed

Administrator, TARP, 2008-09

Andy Kortkamp

VP, Supply Chain

General Mills

Roman Paluta

Ret. partner, business development director

Solve of Minneapolis

Zeba Parkar

Founder, CEO

Materius, Inc.

Ian Punnett

‘Coast to Coast AM’ weekend host

K-State professor

Anastasia Randle

Development coordinator


Matt Ronge

CEO, co-founder

Astro HQ

Jim Rowader


VP/general counsel, Target

Jenna Smith

3-time all-Big Ten forward

2,160 career points

Scott Studwell

Pro Bowl linebacker

Minnesota Vikings

Ned and Anne Tabat

Her: healthcare marketer

Him: Minneapolis CEO

Chang Wang

Minnesota law partner

College professor