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People 41 Ohio

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Joe Alutto

Provost, interim president

Ohio State

Trevor Bates

VP, academic affairs

Mercy College of Ohio

Jeff Brown

Dean, Gies College of Business

Margot Lakonishok Professor of Business

Tom Cartwright

Bank advisor

Formerly of JP Morgan Chase

Dan Caterinicchia

Assistant VP, Strategy & Administration

Office of Advancement, Ohio State

Sydney Chinchanachokchai

Assistant professor of marketing

University of Akron

Carlos Braga

Former director, Europe

The World Bank

To see more profiles like this,
look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Megan Coffey

Assoc. director/video services

U of Cincinnati athletics

Tom Costello

Longtime MTD executive, communication instructor

Died in April 2020

Jason Davis

Director of Astronomy

Cleveland Museum of Natural History

Laura Fernandez-Alvarez

Asst. dean for international/graduate affairs

Ohio State College of Law

Matt Gawne

Chief Illiniwek 22

Procter & Gamble

John Groce

95-75 as Illini coach (2012-17)

Now coaching Akron Zips

Jenna Hall

Illinois Athletics HOF

Ohio State assistant coach

Eric Heisig

Federal courts reporter


Craig Hella Johnson

Grammy-winning conductor, composer​

Artistic director, Conspirare​

Ron Jacobs

UI professor

Education policy, organization & leadership

Jimmy Journell

4th-round MLB draft pick

1999 All-American

Neel Kashkari

President, Minneapolis Fed

Administrator, TARP, 2008-09

Gene Kritsky


Mt. St. Joseph University

Brian LaDuca

IACT executive director

University of Dayton

Curt Lovelace

Former UI football captain

Starter on '90 Big Ten champs

Taylor Mason


Disney Cruise Lines

Jim McKinstray

Retired VP

The Andersons

Marley Nelson

Assistant public defender

State of Ohio