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People 57 1986

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Stan Deal


Boeing Commercial Airplanes

Kim Kidwell

Associate Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships & Initiatives

Dean, College of ACES, 2016-21

Jennifer Lewis

Hansjörg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering

Harvard University

Dr. Julie Morita

Executive VP, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Commissioner, Chicago Department of Public Health (2015-19)

Pat Fitzgerald


Meyer Capel of Champaign

Linda Blumberg

Health economist and institute fellow

The Urban Institute

Ilina Scott

Lead creative strategist

Google of Northern Europe

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An education that proves your purpose

Jack Trudeau

10-year NFL quarterback

llini career-best 8,725 passing yards

Howard Aizenstein

2019 LAS Alumni Achievement Award

Physician, scientist, Pitt professor

Peter Weinstein

Executive director

Southern California Veterinary Medical Assn.

Ellen Fireman

Senior lecturer

Department of Statistics

Alice B. McGinty

Children’s book author

Urbana Adult Ed instructor

Jayne Turpin DeLuce

President, CEO

Visit Champaign County

Rod Lovett

Director of championships

National Junior College Athletic Assn.

Lynn Schmit

Retired director

Mahomet Public Library

Doug Laney

Gartner VP/distinguished analyst

Best-selling author, ‘Infonomics’

Scott Chantos

VP, sales and marketing


Ruth Spiro

Children’s book author

‘Baby Loves Science’ series

Ann Quinn

CEO, Quintessential Edge of Australia

Peak performance specialist

Jeanne Gang

World-renowned architect

Designed Chicago’s Aqua Tower

Wei Wei Jeang

Texas attorney

Grable Martin Fulton PLLC

Guillermo Santana

Structural engineering professor

University of Costa Rica

Brian Love

Engineering professor

University of Michigan

Paul Kivela


American College of Emergency Physicians

Sandy Miarecki

Assistant professor

Air Force Academy