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People 43 1987

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Michael Albert

Sign language interpreter

Chicago Hearing Society

Stephen Balogh

Associate judge

Winnebago County

Mike Bertrand


Lutheran Child/Fam. Services

Patti Blagojevich

Financial advisor

Former Illinois first lady

Robert Blons

Special agent


Keith Bruce

Super Bowl Host CEO

San Francisco Bay Area

Norman Beamer

Administrative patent judge

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

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An education that proves your purpose

Paul Cappiello

Executive director

Yew Dell Botanical Gardens

Mun Choi


U of Missouri system

David Citrin

Engineering professor

Georgia Tech

Joni Comstock

Retired senior VP of championships


Jason Cong

Distinguished chancellor’s professor

Computer science, UCLA

Ken Dallmier

President, Chief Operating Officer

Clarkson Grain Co.

John Dalton

Circuit court judge

Kane County

Dave Edyburn

Associate dean/research

Univ. of Central Florida

John Fanning

Director of college access

Aspire Public Schools

Kathleen Feeney

Circuit court judge

Kent County, Mich.

Darrin Fletcher

14-year MLB catcher

Illini Athletics HOF

Niel Galen

Sr. lighting designer

Formerly of HBO, CNN

Vince Giannini

Senior VP/GM

Philly’s WPHL/WDCW

Brian Grady

Chemical engineering professor

University of Oklahoma

Brian Harris


Barrington schools

Catherine Koerner

Orion program manager


Jennifer Kuechler


Strategic Link Consulting

Mike Lufrano

General counsel/senior VP

Chicago Cubs