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People 107 Bay Area

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Yakaira Nunez

VP/Research & Insights Platform


Andy Szabo

Senior manager, partnerships

Oakland Athletics

Newton Cheng

Global health and performance lead


Markita Landry

2020 UI Young Alumni Award winner

Assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, Cal-Berkeley

Norman Beamer

Administrative patent judge

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Doniel Sutton

Co-owner, Commercial Aquatic Services

Former Senior VP/People, PayPal

Joe Halwax

Sr. VP, managing director

PNC of Chicago

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look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Mike Cassidy

Lead storyteller, Signifyd

Former columnist, San Jose Mercury News

Grace Gong

Capital markets analyst

Sigma Delta Partners Investment

Bryan Thomas Jr.

Associate Director, EDGE Doctoral Fellowship Program

Stanford University

Leslie Erganian

Artist and author

Co-author, 2019 release 'NEW WEST: Innovating at the Intersection’

Chirantan ‘CJ' Desai

Chief product officer


Audrey (Butkus) Merlone

Planner, legislative affairs

City & county of San Francisco

Charlotte Roh

Scholarly communications librarian

University of San Francisco

Devi Laskar

Author, poet, photographer

Debut novel: ‘The Atlas of Reds and Blues’

Donald Harris

Stanford professor emeritus

Kamala Harris’ dad

Lynne Thieme

Software engineer

Trustee, Delta Gamma Foundation

Emelyn Baker

Interaction designer


Justin Kardel


Sextus Industries

Kevin Hambly

Stanford volleyball coach

178-86, 6 NCAA tourney trips at Illinois

Mike Linksvayer

Policy director, GitHub

Bitzi co-founder, ex-Creative Commons VP

Jacob Hoffman

Product manager, social experiences

Sony PlayStation

Lisa Ligon

Nat’l sales/marketing manager

AeroPress, Inc.

Christine ‘LadyBee’ Kristen

Archivist, art collection manager

Burning Man Project

Kristy Green

Business director

ASTRO Studios