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Kenneth Jaconetty

Retired intellectual property attorney, 2024 Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award winner

2022's chemical and biomolecular engineering convocation speaker

Ross Erlebacher

Cognizant assistant VP

Earned computer science degrees in 1988, '89

Steven Wymer

Boston-based Fidelity investment portfolio manager

Namesake of UI's Steven S. Wymer Hall

Don Edwards

Flexpoint Ford CEO

Chair, UI board of trustees

Keith Westcott

2010 LAS Distinguished Service Award

Retired scientist, visiting UI scholar

Chirantan ‘CJ' Desai

Chief product officer


John Mueller

Assistant professor of management

St. Edward’s University

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look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Jim Schlueter

Retired Boeing communications director

Lead donor for UI’s Media Innovation Fund

Deborah Paul

Pioneering researcher, biochemist

34-plus years at Abbott Laboratories

Merrill Thompson


Created Merrill and Emma Thompson Endowment Fund

Scott Shearer

Bockorny Group VP

USDA deputy ass’t secretary (1993-96)

Joe Glas

Ret. VP/GM, DuPont Biotechnology

Ret. CTO, Myriant Corp.

Ray Mentzer

Retired from ExxonMobil

Purdue visiting professor

Arielle Gross

Global Business Marketing


Indira Saladi

Intellectual property attorney

Endowed UI scholarship

Ron Sipiora

Senior VP

BPI Group

Bud Cherry


Eagle Creek Renewable Energy

Larry Gies

$150 million donor

Gies College of Business namesake

Ronald Filler

NY Law School professor

Gave $200,000 for band tower

Saul Morse

Springfield attorney

Brown, Hay & Stephens

Dave Downey

Big Ten Medal of Honor

Scored 53 vs. Indiana

John Wright

All-American receiver

CEO, Greyfield Legacies

Philip Sarnecki

Managing partner

RPS Financial Group, Inc.

Dan Dobberpuhl

UI Engineering HOF

CEO, P.A. Semi, Inc.

Bob Falato

Senior VP

Northern Trust