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People 283 Media

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Amber (Jenne) Hankins

Emmy-nominated co-host

WISH-TV’s 'Indy Style'

CeCe (Marizu) Cooper

Swimming star turned senior content producer for Apple Fitness+

Earned UI degrees in broadcast journalism (2010), education policy studies (2012)

Jason Adams

Former executive editor

Entertainment Weekly

Mark Adams

Best-selling author

‘Turn Right at Machu Picchu’

Luvvie Ajayi

Best-selling Nigerian author

'16 LAS Young Alum of Yr.

Tina Akouris

Digital news editor

Chicago Tribune

Jeff Stute

Managing director

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

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Latifah Al-Hazza

Social media manager

Frommer’s Travel Guides

Lyanne Alfaro

Supervising producer, social media content director


Rasheda Ali Walsh

Speaker, author

Daughter of Muhammad Ali

Elizabeth Amanieh

Reporter, KWWL

Waterloo, Iowa

Michelle (Zasi) Amazeen

Assistant professor of mass communication

Boston University

Karina Anglada

Strategic development manager for video


Leonora Anton

Pulitzer-winning reporter

Tampa Bay Times

Saira Anwer

​Two-time Emmy-nominated reporter

WPLG-TV, Miami

John Aravosis

AMERICAblog founder

Democratic consultant

Rich Archbold

Executive editor

Long Beach Press-Telegram

Elizabeth Austin

Editorial consultant

Social media strategist

Ben Bain

D.C.-based reporter

Bloomberg LP

Ryan Baker

Lead sports anchor

CBS Chicago

Kristen Ball

Executive director, American Society of Pharmacy Law

Associate manager, Illinois Council of Convention & Visitor Bureaus

Dan Balz

Chief correspondent

The Washington Post

Steve Bardo

Flyin’ Illini point guard

TV color analyst

Mike Bass

Award-winning journalist

Former DI editor-in-chief

Suzanne Bates

Longtime TV anchor

Bates Communications CEO